Wednesday, August 31, 2011


What is sincerity?
People said it is when you do something to somebody without wishing something will return to you.
But is really there somebody who never wishes something like that?
I mean what about after helping somebody and you wish for a little smile and thank you?
What about a mother who deep inside her heart wishes her son will take care of her someday.
And what about doing good things and wishing to get the golden ticket to the heaven?
Not so sincere isn't it?


To the peaceful town I come
The boring town I used to said
But the town never change much I guess
I'm the one who getting older

Because the earth is round

Round, round, and round
Can't see the finish line
Maybe because there's no such thing
Like the never ending merry go round song
Round, round, and round
Back to the starting point
Where nothing is everything